of fire fiercely burning [for all who have attained to faith]
Of the fuel-fed fire
Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel
the fire ˹pit˺, filled with fuel—
[using] fire supplied with fuel,
the makers of the fuel-stoked fire
Of the fire (kept burning) with fuel
possessors of the fuel of the fire
The fire was full of fuel
who lit the fire fed with fuel
the fire well fueled
With the intensely fueled fire.
The fire supplied with fuel
(They arranged) the fire fed with abundant fuel (of alive Believers who refused to submit to illegitimate gods)
who lit the fuel-fed fir
Of the fire comprising (abounding) fuel
by a burning fir
the (people of the) fire that was rich with fuel
Igniting the fire of rage
(The ditch) full of fire and abundant fuel
Fire, (amply) supplied with fuel
[Containing] the fire full of fuel
The fire they supplied with fuel.
the makers of the fuel-stoked fire
Of fire fuel-fed
Full of fire fed by faggots
the fire well stocked with fuel —
Of the fire kept burning with fuel
The fire, abounding in fuel
The fire of which was supplied with abundant fuel
the fire having (plenty of) fuel,
The fire supplied with fuel
who lit the well-fuelled fire;
with fire abounding in fuel
The fire they supplied with fuel.
Of the fuel-filled fire
Of the blazed fire,
They ignited a blazing fire
the fire with its fuel
The fire fed with fuel -
The fire , that of the fuel
… already prepared for the people of Ochoa who will be thrown in
The people of the fuelled blazing fire
The Fire fed with fuel
(The people of) the fierce fire which was (fed) with abundant fuel
(These trenches had) the fire (fed) with fuel
Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel
the fire abounding in fuel
of fire supplied with fuel
And the fire with its kindling
Of the fuel-fed fire
with its consuming fir
the fire which possessed abundance of the fuel,
Of fire fiercely burning (for those who live by Faith)
The well-fuelled fire,
[It is] fire fed by fuel [for torturing and murdering the believers].
(of) the fire fed with fuel!
The fire was full of fuel
The fire, possessor of the fuel.
of the fire abounding in fuel,
In the fire full of fuel.
it was blazing with fue
Of the fuel-fed fire (kept burning)
Fire was set in the. trench and supplied with fuel to burn those who surrendered themselves to what is dutiful to Allah
(of) the fire containing fuel,
Of the fire possessed of kindling.
Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel
(Of) the fire full (of) the fuel
Alnnari thati alwaqoodi
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